Linen laundry services in Oxford

The best linen laundry service in Oxfordshire brought to you by Penney's cleaning services. Over 30 years' experience in specialist cleaning contracts.

Our linen laundry service includes

Bed linen including sheets, duvet covers and pillow cases
Table linen including tablecloths and serviettes

We take great care of your linen

All of our cleaning methods are gentle on your fabrics and we ensure stains are removed pre-wash to ensure your linens are stain free and maintain a new look for longer.

Excellent linen laundry services in Oxfordshire

Our linen laundry team have over 30 years’ experience. We use delicate biodegradable cleaning detergents that are both gentle to your linen and the environment. We remove the stains pre-wash for longer lasting cleaner looking linen. We have outstanding pressing results which delivers a natural crisp finish. We delicately remove duvets and pillows to ensure bedding quality remains for longer.

If you would like to know more about our linen laundry services, or would like a free no obligation quote, get in touch with us below.

Get in touch

+44 01865 371 866
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